Wednesday, February 4, 2009

work on sutra album, one million roses

Colin O’Donohoe
Pangean Orchestra

What’s new?
I’ve been writing a lot of new music lately. Much of it for my new album with the working title “Lyrical Sutra’s”. I’ve been studying a lot of the Buddhist sutra’s and trying to find away to set them to music.

I had this crazy thought that I wrote down a while ago where I said “this will not be my masterpiece” For some reason, this has really been a tremendous way to unburden myself with the project. I have been paralyzed before in trying to move forward with my musical endeavors in an effort to make them perfect. In the effort to try to make them perfect I in many times didn’t create anything.

So, now that I’ve given myself permission to just write and play, the project is speeding ahead. It has been like a flood of inspiration pouring down from above. I’ve really enjoyed getting deep into the spirit and feeling of the various sutra’s. To name a few:
Heart Sutra
Diamond Sutra
Lotus Sutra
Boddhisatva’s vow
Pure land Sutra (short version)

I’d be happy to share a work in progress if you’d like to drop me an email and I’ll send something your way.

Also, I’m so close to having the website up for the Pangean Orchestra. It was very cool spending time looking for video’s for the site. While you look at them you may agree or disagree with the choices I used. Keep in mind that I was looking for video’s that not only showed what the various instruments could do, but that were also video taped well, and showed the instrument. You wouldn’t believe some of the amazing performances that were captured by a drunk blind man on stilts!! Not Cool! I don’t want to warn visitors to “close your eyes while we show you the rebab”

I know I’m late again with the blog, please don’t shoot me. I hope I didn’t disappoint my fan(s) - (the s is optimism in its truest sense :)

Songs I adore: One Million Roses - specifically by this Korean group

I’ve never heard this song in English, and so far that’s a good thing. I’m sure we could do a cool version in English but I just like the style and melody in this arrangement and how it is set against the traditional instruments.

I also like how this very performance embodies what I love about the planet we live on today. We can share music with each other from anywhere on the planet with no consideration for natural barriers. It no longer matters how close or far away musicians are, we can now learn from each other so quickly.

Pangean Orchestra will embrace music and the instruments of the world performing arrangements ot traditional pieces as well as contemporary pieces in dazzling new ways. I can’t wait to share it with you all.

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