Monday, December 8, 2008

Resonance, Toumani Diabete, U2, Anti-war songs

Colin O'Donohoe

What's New:
I was asked last week how I knew that I wanted to be a musician and focus on "World" music. It caused me to remember back to when I was taking an acoustics class. The teacher was talking about how each instrument has its own resonant frequency where the entire instrument will resonate the best at one certain pitch. I remember hating when people would play a b natural, especially the b on the middle line of the treble clef because it would make my snare drum rattle like crazy.
He talked about how you can blow over a bottle too fast and too slow with no sound forthcoming. Then, you blow the air at just the right speed and the entire bottle comes to life and sings. For me, being a musician and focusing on the genre's that I do, just makes my entire being resonate! It is what makes me feel most alive. When I am performing, composing, or even discussing music I feel more alive. All of us have something that makes us truly resonate, the trick is to make that your life's work.

Region I’m looking for: Anyone have some great Anti-war songs? I’m looking to hear any songs from any culture that have anti-war/peace sentiments. Please send me an email or respond to the blog any songs that you think I need to hear!

Region I can help with:
While I am not an expert on the Kora, Toumani Diabete is!
Please check out Toumani Diabete, he is amazing!

Songs that I adore: Love is Blindness
U2 Achtung Baby (one of my favorite albums btw)
Cassandra Wilson (new moon daughter)

Achtung baby changed my life when I was about 12/13. One thing that I love about U2 is that they create their songs like a vivid painting. They have such a rich soundscape that it really puts you in the setting of the song. Bono’s lyrics are the most striking thing in the song ofcourse, with lines like “you’re a dangerous idea, that almost makes sense”
Being Irish I always thought that Love was a glass of guiness, good music, and a pretty wench, man was I wrong...

The song builds to a brilliant climax when the electric guitar takes a solo. It isn’t overly virtuosic, but perfect for the song. All parts of this piece are played from the heart and with great precision. I believe it is also in Bb minor which is kind of an odd key for a rock song.(throwing that out there for all you musicians)

The Cassandra Wilson arrangement is nice and has more complex harmonic progressions, flat 9 chords and all, but I like the U2 version more. If you can, take a listen to both.

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